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常見的「動作動詞action verbs」


1. carry [ˋkærɪ] 帶著(用身體之任何部位將物品從甲地帶到乙地就叫carry)
Gina was carrying a small bunch of flowers. 吉娜當時正握著一小束花。(a bunch of一束的…。用手帶叫「握」)

2. come [kʌm] 來
Can you come here for a minute? 你能過來一下下嗎?(minute分)

3. ask [æsk] 問
Don’t ask him – he won’t know. 不要問他—他不想知道。(won’t = will not將不願意)

4. bake [bek] 烘焙
I’m baking some bread. 我正在烘焙麵包。(bread麵包)

5. bite [baɪt] 咬、啃(三態:bite, bit, bitten)
The dog bit him and made his hand bleed. 那隻狗咬了化,導致他的手流血。(made是make的過去式,make+O+V=導致,bleed流血)

6. brush [brʌʃ] 刷,擦掉,拂去,(用軟毛刷)梳頭髮
He brushed the tears from his eyes. 他把眼睛的淚水擦掉。(tear眼淚)

7. comb [kom] (用排梳)梳頭髮
Melanie ran upstairs to comb her hair. 莫蘭妮跑上樓梳頭髮。(upstairs到樓上、hair頭髮)

8. cook [kʊk] 煮
I’m usually too tired to cook an evening meal. 我通常都會太累而不煮晚餐。(too…to+V = 太…而不能…。tired累的。evening晚上。meal餐)

9. march [mɑrtʃ] 行軍、大步前進
The men were so tired (that) they found it hard to march. 那些人很累,覺得很難大步前進。(so…that+子句=如此…以致於。found是find的過去式,it是假受詞,真受詞是to march。find it hard to V發覺…很難。)

10. float [flot] 漂浮、浮動
I wasn’t sure if the raft would float. 當時我不確定是否那個橡皮艇/筏子會不會浮得起來。(sure確定、raft橡皮艇/筏子、would是will<將會>的過去式)

11. eat [it] 吃(東西)
A small girl was eating an ice cream. 一位小女孩當時正在吃冰淇琳。(small小的、girl女孩、was是is的過去式、was eating當時正在吃、ice cream冰淇淋)

12. laugh KK [læf] DJ [lɑ:f] 大笑、嘲笑
Maria looked at him and laughed. 瑪麗雅看著他然後大笑。(look at sb看著某人,-ed是表示過去式的動詞字尾)

13. mix [mɪks] 混和、相溶合
Oil and water don’t mix. 油和水不會相溶。(oil油、water水、don’t = do not、do是無義助動詞,用來幫助一般動詞造成問句或否定句)

14. dance KK [dæns] DJ [dɑ:ns] 跳舞
The bride danced with her father. 新娘和她爸爸跳了舞。(bride新娘子、with和、father爸爸)

15. cry [kraɪ] 哭
I just couldn’t stop crying. 我就是無法停止哭泣。(just就是、couldn’t無法、could是can的過去式、stop+Ving停止做)

16. drive [draɪv] 開車、駕駛
I am planning to drive to Morocco next year. 我正在計畫明年開車到墨西哥。(plan toV計畫做…、am+Ving = 正在、第一個to是不定詞後面接動詞,第二個to是介系詞表示「到」、next year明年)

17. cut [kʌt] 切;割;剪;削;砍
Do you want me to cut the cake? 你要我切蛋糕嗎?(want想要、want sb to V想要某人做…、cake蛋糕)

18. close [kloz] 關上
Let me do the car door – it won’t close properly. 車門讓我來關—它無法正常關上的。(let讓、let sb +原V=讓某人做…、car door車門、won’t = will not將不會、properly恰當地)

19. build [bɪld] 建造、蓋、組裝
They needed $3 million to build the bridge. 他們需要美金三億來蓋那座橋。(need需要、million百萬、bridge橋)

20. dream [drim] 做夢(過去式dreamt [drɛmt] 或dreamed [drimd])
I dreamt about you last night. 我昨晚夢到你。(dream of/about sb/sth夢到某人/事、last night昨夜)

21. pack 打包/整理行李

You’d better pack your bags. 你最好打包行李了。We’re leaving in an hour. 我們一小時之後要離開。(you’d = you had,had better+原V = 最好。bag包包。are leaving就要離開,用現在進行式表示即將發生的事。in an hour一小時後)

22. pick 摘、撿

We picked some blackberries to eat on the way. 我們摘了一些黑莓在路上吃。(blackberry黑莓、on the way在路上)

23. sing 唱歌

She can sing beautifully. 她唱歌可以唱得很優美。(can會、beautifully優美地)

24. sit 坐

She’s the girl who sits next to me at school. 她是在學校坐我隔壁的那個女生。(who是關係代名詞,who sits next to me坐在我隔壁的,是子句當形容詞。)

25. take 帶領(三態:take, took, taken)

My job has taken me all over the world. 我的工作已經帶著我跑遍了全世界。(job工作、has taken已經帶領、all over the world遍及全世界)

26. write 寫(三態:write, wrote, written)

He wrote some very famous books. 他寫了一些有名的書。

27. turn 轉頭、轉身

He turned around to look at Kim. 他轉過身看著金。(around往相反方向地、look at看著)

28. walk 走路

I walked all the way to San Rafael. 我整路都用走的到聖拉斐爾。(all the way整路)

29. sleep 睡(三態:sleep, slept, slept)

I usually sleep on my back. 我通常躺著睡。(on my back/belly/side背部/肚子/側面著地)

30. read 閱讀(三態:read [rid], read [rɛd], read [rɛd])
She picked up the letter and read it. 她撿起信來讀。(pick sth up撿起)

31. work 工作(work as+身份=工作是做…的)
She works as a consultant for a design company. 她在設計公司當顧問。(consultant [kənˋsʌltənt] 顧問、design [dɪˋzaɪn] 設計、company公司)

32. play 玩
Kids were playing and chasing each other. 小孩子們當時邊玩邊互相追逐。(chase追逐、each other互相)

33. go 去
We’re going to Canada in the summer. 我們夏天打算去加拿大。(be going to+地方=打算去)

34. open 打開
He opened the drawer of the desk. 他把書桌的抽屜打開了。(drawer抽屜,of the desk書桌的)

35. run 跑
He was running towards the door. 他當時正跑向門那邊。(towards [tɔrdz] 朝…方向)

36. stop 停止
The doctor advised me to stop the medication. 醫生建議我停用藥物。(advise sb to V建議某人做…、medication [͵mɛdɪˋkeʃən] 藥物治療)

37. wash 洗
I’m just going to wash my hands. 我正要去洗我的手。(just 正要/剛要)

38. set 放置(三態變化:set, set, set)
Mark filled the pan and set it on the stove. 馬克把平底鍋裝滿了東西,然後把它放在爐子上。(fill裝滿、pan平底鍋、stove爐子)

39. ride 我每天騎腳踏車上班。
I ride a bicycle to work every day. (bicycle腳踏車)

40. pull 拉
He pulled her down into her seat. 他把她拉下來坐在她的位子上。(down往下、seat座位)
